Everyday at 7pm. Live Prayers Service. Prayer is power, more prayer – more power, less prayer – less power.

Bread of Heaven
Everyday from 8pm. The Bread of Heaven is heavenly food. The best of everydays fresh manna, the mercies of God are new every moring.

The Foundation, Pillars and Builders
Everyday from 11pm. This program features the 90’s Word of Faith messages by Bishop Dr. Thomas Muthee.

Royal Kids
This is an educative show for children. The show is about kids’ games, songs, plays, and poems

Youth Nation
Youth Nation is the house of the Young generation who (1 John 2:14 ) the Word of God lives in us, we are strong and have overcome the evil one! Youth Nation for Christ
Ask Wakili
This is a show about legal matters in Kenya. It will guide you on legal frameworks, how to be in the right standing with God and rules of the land.

The Eagles Class
The Eagles Class demystifies the hard concepts of Scripture to simplified personal revelations.

The Shepherd
The Shepherd is a Leadership training class – “as a leader you cannot give people what you dont have”, we equip you with skills of practical ministry.