Everyday from 5am. The PowerHouse is a morning devotion program to start the day with Power of prayer.

Dew of Heaven
Everyday 9am. This Bible Study Word program will give you Scriptures to declare throughout the day.

Spring of Living Water
Everyday from 11am. This Word program teaches us believing in God to becoming a spring of living water.

Word of Faith
Weekly at 1pm. The Word of Faith is the Lunch hour service with praise, worship and the Word.

Heaven Connect
Everyday at 3pm. Heaven Connect is a brief Word program to refresh and connect you to heaven.

Everyday at 7pm. Live Prayers Service. Prayer is power, more prayer – more power, less prayer – less power.

Bread of Heaven
Everyday from 8pm. The Bread of Heaven is heavenly food. The best of everydays fresh manna, the mercies of God are new every moring.

The Foundation, Pillars and Builders
Everyday from 11pm. This program features the 90’s Word of Faith messages by Bishop Dr. Thomas Muthee.