
Take up your cross and follow Him.- Daily Devotion | 31st January 2023

Take up your cross and follow Him.

“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “My Rabbi,” the blind man
said, “I want to see!” And Jesus said to him, “Go, for your faith has healed
you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road.

Mark.10:51-52 NIV

Blind Bartimaeus was on a roadside when Jesus opened his eyes.
– The first Person he saw was Jesus not just with the natural eyes but more so with inner eyes.
– Bartimaeus from thence followed Jesus on the road of His choice no longer to return to the roadside.
– When you truly see Him ,you intentionally leave anything to do with the roadside, take up your cross and follow Him.
