
Whoever Love Discipline, Loves Knowledge

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.
Proverbs 12:1 NIV
** Discipline seals success and destiny…
Discipline is brought about through instructions and commitment
**Three ingredients of discipline
— have priorities in life..God , family, ministry,career… know what you are supposed to do when…
— learn to say NO to yourself, to people and more so to the devil so you always avoid distractions as you continue doing what is right
— Perseverance in the race without complaining
**Lk.9:51 knew what He wanted to go and do in Jerusalem… redeem us
He refused side shows.. and accomplished His mission through high level discipline
*” May the Spirit of His grace help you caltivate such high level discipline…it will secure your destiny while delivering to you victory upon victory