
Receive Empowerment To Witness Jesus – Daily Devotion | 16th September 2022

Receive Empowerment To Witness Jesus.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8 NIV

– The Jews had all along been expecting Jesus to rise up ,overthrow the Romans from their land and be king
over them.
– Even after He rose from the dead ,His disciples asked Him about the same issue.
– Jesus however had a different agenda…the Great Commission.
– Empowerment through the Holy Spirit for the purpose of knowing Jesus and making Him known.
– Are you empowered through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.?
– Since you got filled with the Holy Spirit ,how effective is your witness of Jesus Christ.?
How many have you won to the Lord this year? How many backsliders have you brought back to faith in Jesus?
– Could it be that God wants you to prioritize on God’s agenda number one again,that is soul winning.?

“May you overflow with the Holy Ghost one more time”