
Keep the faith, God is faithful – Daily Devotion | 15th August 2022.

Keep the faith, God is faithful.

“What sorrow awaits the proud city of Samaria— the glorious crown of the drunks of Israel.It sits at the head of a fertile valley, but its glorious beauty will fade like a flower.It is the pride of a people brought down by wine.For the Lord will send a mighty army against it.Like a mighty hailstorm and a torrential rain, they will burst upon it like a surging flood and smash it to the ground.”
“The proud city of Samaria— the glorious crown of the drunks of Israel— will be trampled beneath its enemies’ feet. It sits at the head of a fertile valley, but its glorious beauty will fade like a flower.Whoever sees it will snatch it up, as an early fig is quickly picked and eaten. Then at last the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will himself be Israel’s glorious crown.” He will be the pride and joy of the remnant of his people. He will give a longing for justice to their judges.He will give great courage to their warriors who stand at the gates.”

Isaiah 28:1‭-‬6 NLT

Sorrow awaits the proud.
– Their glory will fade rapidly.
– The armies of heaven have been unleashed to crush them,
– Alone God will be glorified.
– Judgement and justice will be evidently in display everywhere.
– They that stand in the gates (authority) will be strengthened to keep every battle outside.

“Keep the faith, Keep the dancing shoes ready.” God is faithful.”
