
COUNT YOURSELF IN – Daily Devotion | 17th August 2022.

Count Yourself In.

Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

Matthew 14:16 NIV

– Those words Jesus said to His disciples when they were overwhelmed by a crowd of between 15k-20k (Matthew 14:13-21).
– They wanted all sent away to go get food for themselves.
– Jesus says;
                  -You don’t have to sent them away.
                  – You don’t have to send yourself away.
                  – There is more than enough for all of us and much more.
-You don’t have to look for how it will be there for you, He knows where and how it will be yours.

“Count yourself in, You are not a pushover, stay, stay, Your portion is staying.”

Have great day.